“I don’t have any commitment to you”
One told to her boy friend while kissing him.
May feel awkward when one hear this. Coz we people, so
narrow minded, can’t digest when a girl say this in such a situation.
But let’s take that in this way. What’s wrong in not feeling
commitment to anybody in this world? Indeed what’s the point in having
commitment to anybody? Relationships are always killing. Emotions, love, care….all
feelings are just a kind of show off. Who
knows who plays the double role behind the curtain?
If we are not committed, we don’t have to worry about what’s
happening in and around us. Am I right dear?
noo noo noooo, u r wrong
na commitmt..na commitmntzz.. der an anarchy in it.dat feelng z nic nd brave @ young age. bt as tim passes ,whn age nd tim wither away, we will recognise-love,care ties, bonds nd commitmtntz hav a soothening effect.thn d only feeling dat promt to live us z doz commitmtzz..(sry to disagre with u..)i thnkk so dearr..
no dear... i guess men r those who doesnt like to hav commitments....
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