Friday, November 2, 2018

Abrupt endings are beautiful than perfect beginning

Sometimes abrupt endings are more beautiful than a perfect start.

Even if it is life or a painting. I mean it when i say it.

There is a saturation  point for everything. Beyond that, nothing will be the same before.  Even if it is personal or professional. Yeah.. Its in these two areas in which iv to take a turn now. An abrupt ending, i would say.

Journalism wasn't mere a profession for me,  its a passion for me. I deliberately chose this. I hope i had done 100% justice to my passion. Started well with keralas leading channel then changed the sign off twice. They were not that much successful, i guess. As my friend once observed, i was not selective and never bothered  about my career. When i sit and think of it,  i realise what he said is right. It was like an high jumper's attempt. Sometimes will cross more height sometimes he may fail. He will keep on changing the target.  It all depends on the motivation from both spectators and his own aggression. Success is even depended on the spectators encouragement. Now i think,  its high time for me to take a second thought on everything. Professionaly iv to take a break or call it a day.  Its not because im lacking any kind of agression and passion. Yeah as everyone says,  its a thankless profession. Anyway im happy that i could do something. Let me work on it. Not sure whether i could implement  it or not. Thats too a big dilemma.

Even its high time to cross some hurdles  which blocked  me even from breathing. I lived in memories and moments than reality, my fault. I never thought il have to pass these long roads in my life. Never thought il leave my foots over various terrains.   Intentionally or accidentally i did. But im not sure whether i enjoyed those imprints or not.  But i lived best at least in them.

I holded fingers when those were in need. I leaned my shoulders when those heads were falling.  I gave my words to those ears longed for it.
Fortunately or unfortunately i rarely saw people lending me a hand at difficult times. No complaints. I know only i can wear my shoes and run. Im good in that.

Depression or mental instability whatever you name it, im used to it.
Infact in life, dont expect things back.  Sometimes its a thankless profession and a thankless world.

Xpect tHe unXpected

Realisations are men's teachers!

The day was sunny and bit chilled at night. Life takes unprecedented  move on some days like this. Today,  it was such a day.

Realisations are sometimes teachers for men. I spend (or wasted?) my time making others stable. In every relationship, even if we say we don't  expect  anything, we will expect  some care, attention and love in return. But while i made my best to make them feel stable,  i was loosing my edge. They never thought of me, or never found time in their buzy schedule. They never tried at least to ask whether im fine and stable. Thus i continued  to make them feel safe and secured while i was loosing the soil under my foot. Hughh..

This night,  i deleted my whole social media apps! No more whatsapping,  no more fb chats!!! No more anything. Let all stay happy and stable. They have thier own life to live and their own schedules to finish. I understand. No complaints. Xpect tHe unXpected!!!

We need to learn say NO whenever it demands. I made the mistake again again without saying NO. I dont think that il learn that in my life.

Xpect tHe unXpected